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Elevated decks and porous pavers

green roof drainage green roof drainage green roof drainage

Using a perforated drain above a drainage mats

This installation scenario is of a paved deck using ProfiLine at the threshold of a building.

The water runs onto the pavers and percolates through to sit on top of the drainage mat. The water diverts into the channel and is discharged through a drain. An access unit will sit on top of this for maintenance purposes.

Elevated Paver Deck

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Using a perforated drain on a paved deck supported by sand bedding

Where soil is used to bed the channel, the ProfiLine channel must be wrapped in a geo-tech style membrane which essentially acts as a porous filter to the sand or soil entering the channel. This is a simple installation using readily available fill and the membrane is cut so it isn’t seen when the deck is in service. The drainage duct is a subsurface tunnel and is used to direct water below surface level to the outlet.

Paved Deck With Sand Bedding

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Using a perforated drain for an elevated paver deck

Pavers sit on little blocks/paving supports, which leaves around a 20mm gap underneath the pavers. So, when it rains, the water runs through the pavers, onto the membrane and into the ProfiLine channel through the side walls.

If during a really intense rain, the outlet becomes unable to discharge the water quickly enough, the water would back up into the channel and once that got full, the channel will let the water back out and store it underneath the pavers. In this instance, it allows for attenuation of water both in the channel and under the pavers.

For more information, contact ACO.

Profiline As A Theshold

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